
Kenaf and Hemp Processor All-In-One

Large Scale Processor

   Going with demands for kenaf fiber and hurd, seed demand has increased, requiring planning and futures contracts for the years to come. These contracts are available for farmers and buyers. Buyer requests are matched with a farmer(s) for delivery. Seed orders of one ton or more to meet the requirements for each contract can be arranged.  For contracts contact


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   Our large scale processor will handle up to 10,000 tons of kenaf or industrial hemp in a year. Starting out with decortication (separating the fiber from the wood core) is the first step in preparing the material needed by our buyers. Our basic unit will come with additional modules that will process the kenaf or industrial hemp for many uses demanded by our buyers. Specialized requirements by our buyers can be addressed by additional modules in addition to our basic unit. On site services, include installation, training and commissioning by qualified service technicians. This being a mobile unit, provides even more opportunities in the marketplace. Another important factor in ordering processing equipment is the speed of delivery. Order one today and have it on your site as soon as 90 days. Delivery speed is determinded by country location, adding 90 days to deliver.

   What has been going on in the kenaf and industrial hemp market for fiber and hurd is having the supply in one part of the world and the demand in another part of the world. Add to that the many different requirements in both quantity and quality demanded by buyers and you will realize that pricing and feasibility become difficult or unworkable. 

   In this stage of the game bringing growers, processors and buyers closer together, simultaneously will help to meet the needs of all concerned. 

    With a return on investment within 18 months possible you can get as excited about this as we are.

An example of 3 grades of fiber for different industries.

An example of a specialized processed fiber.

Harvesting For Our Proccessor

   When growing for fiber and hurd only, harvesting becomes simple and inexpensive. Used Sickle Mowers for around $1,500.00 like this John Deere in the photo below.

   Once your kenaf stalks are cut it is time to separate the fiber from the wood core.