
Kenaf Markets

   Going with demands for kenaf fiber and hurd, seed demand has increased, requiring planning and futures contracts for the years to come. These contracts are available for farmers and buyers. Buyer requests are matched with a farmer(s) for delivery. Seed orders of one ton or more to meet the requirements for each contract can be arranged.  For contracts contact


Country Song

   You are probably wanting to know about kenaf markets that exist here in the U.S. to see if this is something you should get involved with. Any actual existing markets here are small and specialized. This is changing fast and the potential markets waiting for US grown kenaf seed supply and a sufficient number of processing centers are keeping a close eye on our progress. Here is an article predicting the Kenaf Markets.

   Most folks in the U.S. have not heard about kenaf or know anything about it. Establishing markets for kenaf is a challenge and also an opportunity.

   All the markets we have today started somewhere with a vision of the "potential market" and a vision of a product in the marketplace. 

   Kenaf is unique in that it is a renewable resource and its' fiber/wood/seed have over 25,000 different uses. It can replace other resources that are not so environmentally friendly and have limited availability.

   Since kenaf is an annual plant the markets begin with seed and without it, the rest of the potential markets could not exist. Because kenaf is not well known there is the need to get the word out through word of mouth, books and other forms of media and promotion. Seed varieties and supply is what we are working on now and books and promotion is also something we are doing.

   You can participate in getting the word out by promoting our new book "Unlocking The Mysteries of Kenaf" to others and earn a 35% commission on each sale. This book was written to increase demands and provide valuable information for individuals and businesses to act upon in existing and new markets within the kenaf supply chain. It is easy, fast and free to get started. I am ready!


Existing Markets

   Some of the 25,000 products that can be produced utilizing kenaf seed, fiber and wood as a replacement resource are: Food products from leaves and seeds, kenafcrete housing, solar electric sheets, super capacitors, paper products and packaging material, clothing and other textiles i.e. carpets and rugs, insulation, wood pellets, animal bedding, erosion control mats, parts for automobiles and other equipment replacing metals and fiberglass, bio-diesel and more.

    Some of these are shown in this video by Derek Cross:


Markets For You

   For farmers you could be growing kenaf for the seed market, for the fiber/wood/leaves markets or all of them.

   For investors you could be investing in processing facilities, distribution infrastructure, entrepreneurial business, equipment, seed storage facilities etc.

For entrepreneurs' markets are limited by the imagination of the entrepreneur.

  For manufacturers you could replace unsustainable resource material with kenaf fibers, wood core, oil from seeds, meal from seeds, flour from seeds, bio-composites, bio-epoxy, concrete and the list goes on.

  For consumers purchasing kenaf made products for improved health for you and your family as well as contributing to a healthier environment.