

   Kenaf-Investors having the foresight to see the potential of kenaf, interested in low risks or have an appetite for high risk can get involved now. With over 170 grow operations with kenaf seed/fiber/wood yields in the U.S. and 20 grow operations in 11 countries, while adding more as the word gets out on a resource with over 25,000 different uses, it's time to find out where your investment capital fits into the scheme of things. 

   Kenaf a renewable resource is not locked into limited locations and is not regulated which opens the door to creative options, for kenaf-investors.

   Kenaf Partners USA has set out to provide proven kenaf seed varieties that can be harvested for seed/fiber/wood in any U.S. state. We are seeing returns i.e. plant one seed and get 100 or more seeds at the end of the season and 4-5 times more wood material per acre than a forest, plus tons of fiber per acre with unique properties for existing and new markets.

   Our current seed customers and researchers are growing kenaf in over 27 U.S. states and the time has come to take this initial effort to the next stage and follow up with the stages to ensure success for each of our kenaf partners. 

   While our seed supply increases each year the inevitable need for processing centers, and other stakeholders in the supply chain, demands that we act now and be prepared when needed. This strategy only works when visionaries, kenaf-investors, farmers, entrepreneur come together to make things happen in a mutually beneficial manner.

   In order to do my part, I need to walk the talk to find out exactly what the successful actions are so they can be passed on to others. Working with experienced experts and specialists in each step from beginning to end and combining this package of knowledge and experience, with business practices based on statistics, we can discover the successful guidelines to work with throughout the U.S. Transparency provided to investors who see the results week to week based on the statistics in our organizations structure, can see we adapt and become effective in keeping the ball rolling in the right direction.

   The final result will be a business model (Stage 5 Business Model Plug and Play) with a basic foundation made up of vital components and then customized based on location and local markets and/or supply demands.

   This is about impact investing and 7 first principles covered in this video Regenerative Impact Investing

Market Innovation

   The following stages cover aspects of all 4 parts of the above chart of innovation for investors. Full article explaining this from one of the experts at Idea Drop.

Kenaf-Investors Stage 1
 Market Feasibility Study

   Market feasibility studies should include a description of the industry, current market analysis, competition, anticipated future market potential, potential sources of revenue, and sales projections.

    Preliminary steps to feasibility markets and available resources have been looked into and warrant further consideration after detailed investigation is completed in Stage 1 for kenaf-investors.

   Conclusions (excerpt from Potential Utilization of Kenaf Biomass in Different Applications N. Saba, M. T. Paridah, M. Jawaid, K. Abdan and N. A. Ibrahim) Full pdf Report
The crop has instigated to fascinate much interest and attention in the last decade, attributed to the growing concerns of global warming and the rising price of petroleum-based products. Kenaf, regarded as the fiber crop of the twenty-first century, is a renewable and sustainable alternative with a short gestation period of only 4 months, is exploding commercially for industrial products. The manifold beneficial components (e.g., stalks, leaves, seeds, fibers and fiber strands, oils, allelopathic chemicals, and proteins) of kenaf core are well established. Kenaf matures only within 5 months, is eco-friendly, tolerant of environmental and drought stress, making it a versatile encouraging and economic crop for industrial applications in the upcoming years. The commercial and profitable achievement of kenaf crop reflects prospective economic and environmental benefits in the different sectors of lethal toxic waste cleanup, removal of oil spills from water, and soil remediation. Besides these, successful efforts are also made towards the amounts of chemical and energy used in soil erosion due to wind and water and in paper production. Moreover, the potential of replacing synthetic polymers to reduced use of fiberglass, greater recycled paper quality, and timber in industrial products, along with the increased use of recycled plastics, are its additional applications. The versatile and diverse applications of kenaf plants and their different portions in varied sectors require a superior considerate of its components and the various issues influencing the plant composition. The activities of several isolated and private industries amplified by agrarian research and studies endured to offer a different variety of innovative kenaf products. These are used to encourage in highlighting the flourishing and bright future for the persistent extension of kenaf as a commercially profitable industrial crop.

Why Look for Kenaf-Investors 
To Invest in Northern Michigan

   Simply put - local markets, business visitors from all over the world and local resources are one set of reasons why kenaf-investors should look at investing in northern Michigan. 

Markets: The Largest Particle Board Manufacturer in the World just 70 miles from proposed area.

Automobile Industry Conference Visitors see below just 2 miles from proposed area.

Resources: Hydrated Lime and Slaked Lime used in kenafcrete blocks, walls,sprayed insulation and plaster sealer. Just 35 miles from proposed area.

Michigan is the largest plastic manufacturing state in the US. We can now process the fibers into a powder as a replacement stock for this industry. Our partner in central Michigan can produce powders as small as 50 microns (cosmetic grade) and larger. A small plastic manufacturer in Michigan requires 1 million pounds of powder delivered each month. We are preparing to meet this demand and working with our investor to finance 50 processing centers in the US as a result.

What city has the world's largest limestone quarry?

Rogers City Michigan Limestone and Chemical Company (a.k.a. "Michigan Limestone") operates the world's largest limestone quarry located near Rogers CityMichigan.

   Thousands of acres available to grow kenaf locally.

   People from all over the world come here and is just 2 miles from Kenaf Partners USA in Onaway, Michigan. Onaway is an Ojibwa Indian cry meaning 'Alert' or 'Awaken'. This town grew during the lumber era and was incorporated as a village in 1899, and as a city in 1903. ... Onaway today has retained its small town atmosphere, with the local economy supported by several small manufacturing facilities and tourism.

Continuing the Tradition
"Steering the World"

   Although it’s impossible to list all of its customers, the American Wood Rim co., which specialized in making wheels for medium and higher priced vehicles, supplied practically all the wheels for trucks and some tractors. During World War I the company supplied the great four-wheel drive trucks. With this in mind, Marshall Whitshire coined the phrase, "Onaway Steers the World" and received $5 from the Chamber of Commerce for his suggestion.

   By today’s standards that does not seem like much money, but in those days it represented several work days for the common laborer. Fred Warner, who was working at the time of the fire, says the top wage for the common laborer at the time was $.40 an hour. "But a dollar in those days was all yours," he adds. Employees of the company worked 10 hours a day, six days a week. 

Stage 1 Funding

Update! 20 April 2021 - We have the markets and the analysis completed through the efforts of our partners and stakeholders for Michigan.

   Here are some additional market reports and funding resources for kenaf-investors. $5 Billion

   Kenaf Markets a global perspective for kenaf-investors.

 I have done my research and spent hours on the phone. It is time to hit the road and meet the experts and see all of it in action. This is where the details for design and current market analysis, competition, anticipated future market potential, potential sources of revenue, and sales projections will be determined.

   This stage will require an estimated $125,000 for 2 individuals. Targeted surveys by state and markets, travel expenses to equpment manufacturers and equipment operation facilities to evaluate and see and get details needed for our business model. Manufacturers in Canada, Nova Scotia and Australia. Operating facilities in the U.S. Kenaf farmers in the U.S.

   Meeting with impact investors, existing markets, discovering market positioning trends and attending and presenting at farmer themed trade shows will be key factors in determining and creating the demand for kenaf. Mother Earth News, Acres USA, Soil Institute, Hempitecture, The Hemp Chat, Impact Investors Summit and Ethical Corp and B-Corp Conferences in the U.S. are some in our current lineup for this. 

   The bottom line is we want to know before we go and lower the risks in a fast changing world. Covering in detail each of the areas in startup failure is the goal of Stage 1 funding. See statistical graph below on startup failures.

   Taking an idea and pre-testing it in the real world with the correct estimation of effort for implementation and kenaf-investor funding of additional stages of developement, make up the successful ingredients for a stable foundation for this business model.

   Getting all the information and our questions answered in detail during Stage 1 reduces risks of failure and each point in the above list of reasons and more will be covered during this stage.

Kenaf-Investors Stage 2
Business Model Design

Update 20 April 2021! Testing and fine tuning the processes, hiring and training, additional site determinations etc. are the focus this year, so we have a working model to use as a guide for the additional 50 centers in the US. Substantial increase in seed production is also in progress for 2021.

   Based on the results from the completed Feasibility Market Study (Stage 1) and the details acquired at manufacturers and delivery facilities for required equipment etc., a Business Model Design is the next logical step.

   Although I have a Business Model Design in mind, parts may be added or taken away according to detailed discoveries in Stage 1.

   For the design to begin, strategic site location(s) in or near Onaway, Michigan with architectural designs and permitting costs will need to be determined. Once all the blueprints for the design are complete and the blueprints approved, full costing of construction and completion time will be calculated for implementation Stage 3. This is the strategic path timeline.

   Completing construction projects on time and under budget is one of my claims to fame. Because of this I averaged 4-6 new jobs for everyone I completed.

   This is the budgeting stage for Stage 3 funding and I will cover the costs of this.

Kenaf-Investors Stage 3
Business Model Implementation

   Once Stage 2 is complete full funding for the costs of construction, planting proven varieties of kenaf and bamboo and personnel needed for the launch for all channels of operation, harvesting, processing, PR, Marketing, training and Sales will be acquired and begun and completed according to the strategic path timeline. 

   Outside investors will be needed at this stage and a final figure for the implementation and infrastructure will be posted once stage 2 is complete.

Kenaf-Investors Stage 4
Business Model Operation and Review

   Projected sales and profit will be tracked by actual statistics and re-evaluated for accuracy and for any warranted changes for the benefit of staff,customers and kenaf-investors. Of course our environment will also be kept in mind and addressed in an optimum manner.

   Review on a weekly basis by statistics and what has caused the statistics to go up or down, will make it possible to fine tune our operations towards an ideal scene for staff, customers and our investors. What we discover through this process as consistently improving statistics will be documented and utilized for trianing as we grow this business.

    Operational costs will need to be funded at this stage and until enough traction is made to sustain operations from multiple income streams. ROI for Stage 1,3 and 4 once our profit stage kicks in begins.

Kenaf-Investors Stage 5
Business Model Plug and Play

   While continuing to grow our Model Business in Onaway, Michigan our proven successful actions will be ready for additional business startups in other U.S. locations. 

Kenaf-Investors Pitch

Meet The Kenaf Partners USA 
Original Investor

   Bob Lawrason the founder of Kenaf Partners USA is its' original kenaf-investor. With thousands of hours and thousands of dollars invested since 2016 in a vision and opportunity to help farmers, environments, entrepreneurs, other kenaf-investors, teachers and artists, it is time to share this investment opportunity.

   Taking it to the next level is a team activity and a variety of partners are needed to do so. But the question is "Does Bob have what it takes to do so"? I have asked myself that question too! 

   Based on my experience and excellent results in my past, I do have what it takes to get it done, even if it is slightly impossible.

   The second question that comes to my mind is "Will I be around long enough to see it through"? I'll be 69 in 2020 and although I hate to admit it, I have to be honest and say I cannot do all the physical things the way I used to. I can still put in the long hours everyday and will need others to teach and do the physical work to pull this off.

   Finding willing and able individuals with a passion to carry out the activity needed to pull this off, is required through Stages 1- 5 along with the infrastructure and operating expenses. 

   Going with demands for kenaf fiber and hurd, seed demand has increased, requiring planning and futures contracts for the years to come. These contracts are available for farmers and buyers. Buyer requests are matched with a farmer(s) for delivery. Seed orders of one ton or more to meet the requirements for each contract can be arranged.  For contracts contact


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