
Organization Cooperative Region Continent

  Kenaf Partners USA is one of eight organizations designed to fulfill the needs in the kenaf supply industry throughout the USA. This is a futuristic view of KPUSA and supporting organization, cooperative, region and continent.  

   The eight organizations were selected to establish a circular economy centered around kenaf and the demand for the raw materials that can be used in existing companies and new companies meeting the needs of consumers, while benefiting our environment.

   Below is the organizational structure to facilitate communications with the proper individual to answer your questions and provide the services available to you.

Organization Cooperatives Regions by Continent to Meet Current Demands

   June 22, 2023 the realization that in order to move the kenaf industry through its next phase of growth and looking into the future as to what would be needed to meet and keep up with the demands for kenaf seed, fiber and hurd and to provide the best possible service an organizational overview and structure will be needed. 

   Because of our new connections it makes sense to address grow operations by continent, starting with North America. With this in mind and the 3 categories of kenaf seed i.e. early maturing, medium maturing and late maturing varieties, continental regions based on latitude for each maturing varieties is being proposed. In each of these regions states or provinces will start out with their own coopreative team.

   Each of these teams will need their own farmers, entrepreneurs and investors. A call out to those interested in becoming a part of a cooperative team begins here. If interested contact Bob Lawrason  to get started. 

   The regions, generally speaking will be North, Central and Southern. At this time participants in the north and south are needed to meet current demands.

    The current demands are for horse bedding/hurd in the south, kenafcrete homes in the north and south hurd, and kenaf fiber in the north for manufacturer products in the trailer and auto industries. 

    These break down to Cooperatives Kenaf Partners in Canada, Michigan, Florida and Texas at this time.

    Each of these cooperatives are expected to have, minimumly, a portion of their growing operations designated for seed harvesting and supply for their area of operation. Locally sourced seed supply is vital to keep up with demands and make this work. 

     To get started, conversations amongst interested parties for each coopertive will begin once I hear from a farmer, entrepreneur or investor. Together we will dive into the particulars for supply demands and work out what is needed and wanted and plan for the delivery for each cooperative individually. 


Kenaf Partners USA Organization 

Circular and Regenerative Economy

Non-Profit Organization

   Awaken Tours and Training of Onaway, Michigan ATTOM, registered as a non-profit providing specialized training and placement for the many new careers that will be needed in each of the eight organizations.

   ATTOM will also own KPUSA and the other initial 6 organizations, all of which are planned to be located at one site. This will be a demonstration site of all training, production services and the many products servicing the "Kenaf Industry". Industrial Hemp products will also be on display in our showroom.

    Seeing a circular economy work with these eight organizations in a regenerative workplace environment and how it can improve the local economy of the community of Onaway, Michigan, our tours and network connections will provide a valuable service to other communities and stakeholders that would like to follow in our footsteps in their communities.

ALARM Organization

   ALARM is an organization based on the successful actions of Ray Croc, resulting in a global network of McDonald Franchises. ALARM stands for America Land Acquisition and Restoration Management. Its' function is to purchase or acquire land, design build infrastructure, purchase equipment specified for standard operations of processing which includes R&D and Lab and lease these to others.

Industries Resources Organization

   This is the processing facility designed to operate two different types of processing equipment, that will service the growers providing raw kenaf and industrial hemp fiber and core and the buyers of the type and specifications of resource material needed to produce their products.

   The first type of processing equipment will take fresh stalks of kenaf and industrial hemp and separate the short and long fibers from the wood core. Providing ideal material for textile industries, animal bedding, mulch and composting, hempcrete and kenafcrete, particle board, bio-char etc.

   The second type of processing equipment will take harvested industrial hemp and kenaf that has been harvested in the field with silage equipment and turns this material into powder of preselected size. This processed material is ideal for the plastics industry, paper industry, food and cosmetics.

   The lab as separate from this facility will function as a USDA approved lab to certify the powder servicing our food and cosmetic industry customers. In addition our lab will have an R&D section for new technology.

Timeless Structures Organization

   This organization will specialize in building structures designed and built using bamboo, hempcrete or kenafcrete, lime sealers and insulation bats made from the fibers of industrial hemp or kenaf. 

   Building structures will include residential, commercial, fishing shanties, and deer blinds. 

   In addition to building structures, spray equipment for external finishes and colored sealers for existing buildings will be delivered by this organization.

Land Sculpture Organization

   A specialized organization filling in the needs of critical design factors based on environmental watershed considerations, and integrated with specialized training and equipment for our demonstration site and to service our farmers landscape as needed.

   The key-line plow is one of these specialized pieces of equipment that is needed from time to time in various scenarios. 

    Having one organization with this equipment and servicing communities coming on board with regenerative practices, and coordinating with designer specialists can provide valuable services efficiently, saving time and money, and without having to invest in equipment needed one or two times.

Earthworks Construction Organization ECO

   Management and coordination are vital components that require the savvy to get projects done on schedule and under budget. When it comes to keeping the flow going with personnel and equipment with Land Sculpture Organization and Timeless Structures Organization along with the construction of new processing centers this organization plays a vital role.

   With climate change the challenge is getting enough done fast enough, and this organization addresses the time factor that is critical.

Electric-Food Distribution Organization

   Not knowing what to expect with climate change and the disruption of supply chains from the recent global pandemic, local food supply becomes a critical factor and all food needs need to be available in any climate year round locally. Originally called "The Green Powerhouse" invented, built and tested by Michael Smith in Montana incorporates technology into a closed loop system. 

   This technology was purchased by a Canadian company and licensing, training and engineering support will start in 2021.

   One of the by-products is the production of electricity at a rate of 50kw / hour. See 4 minute video.

   Michael is currently working on a smaller model for residential use and is expected to be available around the end of 2022.

   This organization will specialize in the sales and construction of both the small and large model.

   It will also be used to power all our processing centers, showroom displays and other infrastructures we use.

Kenaf and Hemp Product Distribution Organization

   Servicing the niche markets for both industrial hemp and kenaf products, this organization will display in a showroom setting the products produced, with tours, demonstrations, contact and purchasing options.

   As part of our demonstration site which includes all of the above, additional showrooms will be added to strategic locations where supply and demands are high.

Organization, Feasibility and Marketing Study, and Statistics

   While continuing the successful actions of Kenaf Partners USA in seed, fiber / core and book sales, opening the door to impact investors, plutocrats and land owners, our non-profit organization ATTOM is forming and will soon be registered. The feasibility and marketing study for all the above organizations is in progress and will be published and available to qualified individuals. 

   This masterplan requires diligence and statistical facts for decision making to ensure we are headed in the right direction along the way. Our only guarantee is our persistence to observe and recognize what works statistically and adapt to changes as we move forward. This is an adventure and I hope you see it as such and join us with your passion.

   Going with demands for kenaf fiber and hurd, seed demand has increased, requiring planning and futures contracts for the years to come. These contracts are available for farmers and buyers. Buyer requests are matched with a farmer(s) for delivery. Seed orders of one ton or more to meet the requirements for each contract can be arranged.  For contracts contact


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